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December 17th 2004 - visit to Techniquest at Cardiff

This was the end of term visit, with awards being presented to the lucky recipients amongst those present.   Photographs by Vaughan

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December 18th 2003

The HLC workshop technicians were unfortunately unable to attend the staff awards at Ledbury Rugby Club.  They were however compensated with a short but intensely moving ceremony back at college where they were awarded custody of the legendary  "ROUND TUIT".  This porcelain dish is the Holy Grail of technical staff, being the last remaining example of its kind and having immense powers we do not yet fully appreciate.  Click on the image below and read the inscription crafted many years ago by its makers.  You may then just begin to understand its true value.

roundtuit.JPG (121211 bytes)

End of Term awards presented at Shelsley Walshe Hill Climb December 12th 2003

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Literacy and Numeracy Awards and barbeque 24th June 2003

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End of Term Awards - Shobdon Airfield 11th April 2003


Congratulations to Simon, Andrea, Clare, Adam and Tim (no photo, working at "Taste for Adventure")

 Lindsay won the prize of a free flight for the best project. Well done!